The Book
One can spend every day at church and never get close to God. You can read
every book written about the Bible and never have a pure knowledge of God, and resulting
in a strong possibility of confusion in the process, the reason being, man is imperfect
and you will become contaminated with the opinions of man and fall short of the truth
God has intended for each one of us. There is only one sure way to achieve clarity
and closeness with God and His Son, which is, reading all the words Jesus gave us
from His Father and about His Father, Jehovah God, "the One whom God sent speaks
the words of God; for God does not give the Spirit by measure." (John 3:34), "I have
spoken these things to you in allegories. An hour comes when I will no longer speak
to you in allegories, but I will reveal the Father plainly to you." (John 16:25).
All truth is only found in only one place, Jehovah's word. Also to complete the needed
circle of communication with God, Jehovah wants to hear from us, you personally,
no matter who you are, praying to the Father, Jehovah, in His Son’s name is the only
way to speak to God at this time. Studying His word and prayer go together perfectly,
one without the other would be a sad waste. Reading the Bible without prayer, one
forfeits the needed blessings of understanding, which is truly a gift from the Creator
Jehovah. Prayer without knowing how and for what to pray can also render pointless
and disappointing, if ones prayers are self-
Studying, accompanied with prayer establishes an important element, a needed
personal relationship with Jehovah. It is very important to please God, but not for
the reason of obedience, even though He has commanded these rules, obedience is not
His motive. The rules He has given us are for our benefit, they are to protect us,
to guide us to a loving and righteous state; to bring us to an understanding of His
perfect way; they are to prepare us for the Kingdom that He will setup after death
is destroyed, "And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of Fire. This is the
second death." (Revelation 20:14). God’s rules are for our satisfaction, our benefit
and for our co-
Jehovah, our Father sent Jesus, His Son, to direct us home to the kingdom of God, to the final home we were designed for, an eternity. God's Book tells us all these things in a multitude of levels; it describes how to take this journey to our future home, the future "Promise Land". This spiritual journey is to a destination, to a real place, not yet created, the new earth, "For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make stand before Me, states Jehovah, so shall your seed and your name stand." (Isaiah 66:22), "But according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." (II Peter 3:13), also revealed in God's last Bible book, Revelation, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea no longer is." (Revelation 21:1). The Bible, not only provides us with hope, but blesses us with clarity and peace in this life, during our cleansing process, which we should be on. This Book provides the way to Heaven, which is only accessible through the door, Jesus, the Christ, unlocked for us, by Him personally paying the price for our repented sins. However, we still need to arrive at this door in order to enter, cleansed and willing to leave this current life and its shallow attractions. This journey is not without danger and pitfalls, but the Book Christ gave us warns us and shows us the way home; and if we put our trust in the Sheppard, Jesus will surely guide us along this narrow but necessary path. Christ now speaks to us through His spirit, as we consume the Book He personally inspired, just for this purpose, for man's salvation, This is our decision to make and our efforts in casting out our sins. Christ's power is available upon our request, but He will only accompany us, along with our efforts on this road home, which God Almighty has designed just for those who truly want to be in His presence. We need to show this to Jehovah now with our efforts and our commitment in our walk, initiated by our understanding and resulting in our love for Jehovah, Jesus and the souls around us.