The Heart of It
At the heart of everything is the truth, and everything outside of truth is robbing you of something important that is within the truth. Would this be a concern to any of us? Are we, the Christian community detecting any of the lies passed on to the churches by Satan and his many servants? A favorite target of his is to distort our understanding of God's purpose for man as to our Heavenly destination. Can we survive this age of cleansing by placing anything above the truth? Young or old, is there any other question and concern one should focus on above the truth? Satan's success with his deceptions is obvious if we view what is being taught in our public schools, promoting evolution, where there is no future beyond death, but according to Christ our first death is only a "sleep", "He said these things. And after this He said to them, Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going that I may awaken him." (John 11:11), then in verse 13, "But Jesus had spoken about his death, but they thought that He spoke of the sleep of slumber. Therefore, then Jesus spoke to them plainly, Lazarus has died." (John 11:13,14). This verse reveals that Jesus knows that man will rise again after our first death, which is only temporary until Christ comes at His second advent for the just, and then at the end of the one thousand year rest of earth, the unjust will be awakened.
With man's massive collection of scientific data, from their endless studies,
and with their constant alterations, which generate more questions, is this what
our hope rests on, which promises nothing beyond the grave? Is this pointless future
ever mentioned in the classroom? Has science ever come to determining an answer to
the big question, the origin of life, with any sure stability? Does their varied
understandings and expressed theories satisfy your passion for truth? There are more
blank pages at the closing of their endless theories and numerous collections of
words then any concrete reliable answers. Won’t there be more questions generated
from their studies then answers? Humanity, boasting of being a society of independent
thinkers, has supplied a variety of elaborate opinions and self-
What is this light that shines and is not recognized as valid or stable? It's truth is within the most purchased book in history, translated into almost every language, plus access to this book abounds in this current age of mass printing and a vast overflow of information on the Internet. However, it is generally only read in sections and consequently the overall big picture is generally missed. Apparently, this grand age of information has its negative side, because of the immense quantity of books and articles written every year on every subject, including this particular topic, as men attempt to explain what this one Book has already revealed on its own. So few have ever read this Book in its entirety, consequently the clear complete evidence of its content is mostly denied, overlooked or lost in the overflow of opinions and theories of what God's word is "trying" to say. This one book of divine thought does however, answers the many questions of our endless searching without calling it a theory. This book is called the Bible, but these many Bibles are just a translation of God's word, however the original Hebrew text and the original New Testament writings, hold the purity that the mass of Bible translations and versions attempt to present, but often come short of accuracy. God Almighty, Jehovah is stated to be the originator of truth, "Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me O Jehovah, God of truth." (Psalm 31:5) "for His mercy is mighty over us, and the truth of Jehovah is forever. Praise Jehovah!" (Psalm 117:2), and the source of life itself, "These are the births of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that Jehovah was making the earth and the heavens." (Genesis 2:4). God speaks all these words as facts without any variations, by His authority as being the Creator of the earth and the heavens that we live within its expanse. All this was not an accident He witnessed or arranged to bring together, but He Himself thought, designed and spoke it into existence. In this Book He does explain some of what He has created, but to explain His creations and how He accomplished this into reality would be a waste of His efforts, since we lack the ability to fully comprehend Him and His abilities. He does ask us to have faith, that He may prove His truth and reveal His abilities to each of us, in our daily existence through reading and observation, so we can rely on His words and His ways that He has already explained in His Book, which He gave us for this purpose, to learn about Him and His pure and perfect ways which bless us daily in a multitude of ways.
The realities that we know to exist, including ourselves, has been embedded with Jehovah's incredible design, and scientist will readily agree on this point, that the complexities are beyond our ability to completely understand. The ever nagging question that man has no answer for remains, the origin of life, that only theories can fill our books. We can assemble all the materials that make up reality, but no formula, no calculations on how to bring life into any correct arrangement of materials. It remains lifeless without God's given breath of life. The understanding that if..... IF, life could start on its own by whatever method, including by accident, then it also, at that very moment, must come into existence with an already established reproductive system, however simple this life form may be, in order for it to remain in existence and viable; it must reproduce, for it to continued its existence. One sure thing that has been consistent with live substances is that it will die, at some point. Every life, that we know has an entrance and an exit point, and we must conclude, by our logic that what is after life is just as what was before life. However, there is one notable exception, the God of the Bible states that He has been forever, but proof of this is not within our grasp, by our understanding, but neither is any other proof available for the origin of life.
The God of the Bible is credited, within His word the creation of all life, "And Jehovah God formed man out of the dust from the ground, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7), with all its overwhelming complexities and interdependencies that are found in the multitude of complex systems, that express themselves by their continued existence. What science has uncovered of our existence is that there is no end to these complexities, the further we explore; the more overwhelming our existence proves to be. Many scientists are convinced of life's dependency on a designer, but not giving credit to any particular intelligent being. An accident does not explain, even to a fraction of all the things that do exist. Only a supreme designer can satisfy our limited understanding of the network of life that man has revealed from his endless studies, including an imagination that can comprehend a designer that has the capability of creating all of life's complexities. Personally, I can wrap myself around a Creator God better then a pointless, useless and futureless accident that has been promoted as scientific proof and unfortunately, taught in the school systems around the globe, as having been proven as fact, instead of what it is, a theory of man that only holds together by our willful faith in our self.
There is a however, if we read the words that Jehovah God has given for us,
by way of His only-