Ible  riendly.com

 This web-site is not controlled by or connected to any denomination or     educational facility. It is run by un-named individuals who seek the truth.


     The purpose is to share with anyone interested, the understanding of God’s word that we have acquired during faithful study of all of the God’s words, not because of any special abilities, but because we’ve asked for understanding, pleading with God for the truth of His word. This is an ongoing result of our effort to seek God because of our desire and passion for the truth. Anyone can and should ask and seek for understanding of God’s word and we know He will give all sincere persons just that, He desires our understand of Him.

      Christianity is not a casual activity. It is a way of living, which involves the development of character and a commitment to cleansing ourselves in preparation for compatibility with God’s kingdom. God’s Son paid the price for our repented sins, but to enter God’s pure environment, our personal decision toward purity and our sincere effort is necessary, along with an invitation for Christ’s power to give us the strength needed to exercise righteousness.

      We believe the contents of this site to be true and Biblical, please prove us right or wrong and correct all errors from your own studies. Only you have control of your salvation, which God made available to us through His Son’s His blood, establishing His Father’s salvation.

      One important factor about this site: we use an Interlinear Bible that contains both the Greek and the Hebrew text, in order to test the English translations to find what is consistent throughout His written word. To accomplish this, all verses not consistent must be considered and analyzed. Additions to this site are being continually added, according to our further understanding of God’s word.

     You are invited to ask questions and make comments through the e-mail addresses provided. We will not use your e-mail address for anything or to share it with anyone, nor do we have any interest in using your e-mail address for any purpose other then to answer any legitimate question.