Repeating History
Once again, history is repeating itself. Before the flood of Noah's day, the people of the earth were evil only, "And Jehovah repented that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved to His heart. And Jehovah said, I will wipe off man whom I have created from the face of the earth, from man to beast, to creeping things and to the birds of the heavens, for I repent that I made them." (Genesis 6:6,7). And Jehovah did just that, but He also left a small remnant of eight humans and at least a pair of every creature He chose for repopulating earth, "And I will establish My covenant with you. And you shall come into the ark, you and your sons and your wife, and your son's wives with you. And you shall bring into the ark two of every kind, of every living thing of all flesh, to keep alive with you; they shall be male and female." (Genesis 6:18,19). This time period has been calculated to be about two thousand years after "Jehovah" created Adam and Eve on the sixth day of the seven days of Creation.
Once society was reestablished, the world again became evil, including Israel,
Jehovah's chosen people who were to be a witness for Jehovah God, as a nation of
priest, "And you shall become a kingdom of priest for Me, a holy nation. These are
the words you shall speak to the sons of Israel." (Exodus 19:6). Jehovah's chosen
nation was later split into two groups because of their transgressions of His ways.
All the nations were walking in their own light and God caused all nations to be
brought into subjection to Babylon. Powers then changed several times until Rome
was in charge, then, God sent to Israel His final deliverer and Redeemer, after previously
sending several deliverers when Judah was taken into captivities, several times and
eventually cried for Jehovah's help. Finally God sent His only-
Are we, the Christian community, following in the footsteps of Israel and Judah;
are we again repeating history? If so, how has the current Christians left the upright
path, as did the Israelites? Are the current Christians keeping Jehovah's commands?
Do we walk according to His guidelines? Is the Christian community faithful to all
His messenger's callings? "That you keep the commandment spotless, blameless, until
the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Timothy 6:14), John also reveals this,
"And the dragon was enraged over the woman, and went away to make war with the rest
of her seed, those keeping the commandments of God, and having the testimony of Jesus
Christ." (Revelation 12:17), Revelation 14:12 says the same thing, "Here are the
patience of the saints; here are the ones keeping commands of God, and the faith
of Jesus." Are Christians of today ready for God's Christ at His second advent, when
He will gather those that have already prepared themselves to be in the presence
of God Almighty "Jehovah", in the kingdom of Heaven? Is each Christian denomination
ready for what they have been waiting for, or have they lost their way without recognizing
their departure; does their remain an interest in the truth; could we have lost our
direction just as the Israelites and Judah had done, to ignore God's everlasting
truth? The evil during the first two thousand years was because, man walked according
to there own desires, having no set written laws, only what is placed to their conscience.
The second two thousand years, Jehovah's chosen people often forgot their God and
worshiped the many other gods of the nations, transgressing Jehovah's expressed self
The current Christian community has been preaching that faith is all that is
needed for salvation, faith in Jesus, because Jesus is the Way, "Jesus said to them,
I am the Way, and the truth, and the life..." and the last part of this verse states
is, "...No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). I understand
this to say that Christ is God's Representative and that Jesus is the "Way" to our
God who is "Truth and life" because Jehovah is truth, "And Jehovah passed by before
his face and called out: Jehovah! Jehovah, God! Merciful and gracious, slow to anger,
and great in goodness and truth." (Exodus 34:6). Our Father, Jehovah, the One who
created us and originated our salvation, He then sent His Christ, the only-
brother and sister and mother." (Matthew 12:50), "But He said, No, rather blessed are those hearing the word of God, and keeping it." (Luke 11:28), "For as many as sinned without law will also perish without law. And as many as sinned within law will be judged through law." (Romans 2:12) and, "Here is the patience of the saints; here are the ones keeping the commands of God and the faith of Jesus." (Revelation 14:12) and if you seek His truth, you will find much more.
Why the Christian community is repeating history by transgressing Jehovah's word remains to be expressed. If you've read your Bible with the intention of learning God's truth, then you should already know at least some of the answers. However, it does seem that most do not read, in its entirety, all that Jehovah has given in order for us to know His expressed ways, instead of the general trends followed during these end time days. This is probably because those steady pew occupiers just listen to the sermons and maybe follow along when verses are presented by the speaker, but to test the speaker's words is a rare practice; so many simply trust that the speakers have found the truth and are leading us on the right path. In a certain way, most Christians are quite "illiterate", harsh words, yes, and I apologize for being blunt, but I've even talked to respected, talented pastors that admitted to me that they have not read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. My personal survey reveals that this is much more then rare, even though so many read the many books about the Bible in its entirety. The Bible was design for all to read, and to be totally read to get the complete picture.
Just as the Israelites and Judah drifted from the truth, Christians, in the past sixteen centuries have been taught contrary to the first, second, third and the fourth commandments. The fourth is keeping the seventh day Sabbath as it is clearly stated. You should read it for yourself, but I must include that worshiping on the first day of the week is perfectly good, however, those attending their church on Sunday do not keep the Sabbath day holy, which is not working and not doing their secular pleasures on Saturday, the seventh day. This has been a regular departure for God's chosen people, and most continue this human instructed tradition; the Sabbath day is a needed blessing, physically and spiritually, "And the sons of the alien who join themselves on Jehovah to serve Him, and to love Jehovah's name, to be His servants, everyone who keeps from defiling the sabbath and takes hold of My covenant." (Isaiah 56:6), "And keep My sabbaths holy, and they shall be a sign between Me and you that you may know that I am Jehovah your God." (Ezekiel 20:20), and there are a multitude of others verses in both Testaments, and please remember that Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath "So then the Son of man is Lord of the sabbath also." (Mark 2:28). The saints are the ones that will enter Jehovah's kingdom, "For Jehovah loves judgment and does not forsake His saints; they are preserved forever; but the wicked's seed shall be cut off." (Psalms 37:28), and the disciples and Jehovah Himself gave us an example that His Sabbath day remains, because He rested on the Sabbath and did not raise His Christ from the grave until Sunday, "And returning they prepared spices and ointment. And they remained quiet on the sabbath, according to the commandment." (Luke 23:56). Look for yourself, there is not one passage that changes the Sabbath day to Sunday or declares Jehovah's fourth commandment has been discarded, but amazingly and unfortunately, many follow the words of man, "So says Jehovah, Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and who makes flesh his arm; and who turns aside his heart from Jehovah." (Jeremiah 17:5). Sunday worship was introduced to Christianity during the fourth century, which the history books of man reveal. The practice of Sunday worship was first started by those who worship the sun as their god.
The first commandment is the next important departure from the truth, this
you should also read from your Bible, but I'll share what the Interlinear Bible shows,
which has the Hebrew text right next to its "Literal Translation" because this is
a bit different, "I am Jehovah your God, who has brought you out from the land of
Egypt, from the house of bondage. You shall not have any other gods beside Me." (Exodus
20:2,3). You do notice that God gave us His personal name, an important part of understanding
this first commandment, and He did say "I". There is not one verse in all of God's
word declaring God to be more then one, and His name is "Jehovah", and you will find
over a hundred verses stating that God is "one". Of course you can believe the words
of man that say "elohiym" is plural, but "elohiym" is a Hebrew word, and every Jew
believes that God Almighty is only "One". If God wanted us to understand that "God
Almighty" is more then one, then He would have told us plainly, as He has spoken
all Ten Commandments clearly. What He also tells us more then once, is that He has
a Son, "While he was yet speaking, behold, a radiant cloud overshadowed them. And
behold, a voice out of the cloud saying, This is My Son, the Beloved, in whom I delight;
hear Him." (Matthew 17:5), an only-
The second Commandment speaks of worshiping idols, which is what Strong's #6459
is states as: an idol: -
The third Commandment also needs to be stated as it was spoken and written by God Himself, "You shall not take the name of Jehovah your God in vain; for Jehovah will not leave unpunished the one who takes His name in vain." (Exodus 20:7), and again, His name is given, "Jehovah". Eight times His name was used in the Ten Commandments, and totaling in the Old Testament 6746 times. If man's substitution of God's personal name with titles, "Lord" and "God" isn't making God's personal name of little to no value, then certainly the changing of God's words does qualify as a sin, "All the things that I command you, take heed to do them, and you shall not add to it, nor take away from it." (Deuteronomy 12:32) and most Bible translators have done both. Look up the meaning for "vain" to clearly understand what Jehovah is commanding us, with His warning.
The fourth Commandment: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy; six days
you shall labor and do all your work ; and the seventh day is the sabbath to Jehovah
your God; you shall not do any work, you and your son, and your daughter, and your
male slave and your slave girl, and your livestock, and your stranger who is in your
gates. For in six days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all which
are in them, and He rested on the seventh day; on account of this Jehovah blessed
the sabbath day and sanctified it." (Exodus 20:8-
Repeating history, we have done and we continue in doing, maybe even more then what the Israelites did, and the results were severe in the Old Testament, but the "Lake of Fire" is even more so, because the second death is for an eternity, and eternity is everlasting. The Israelites had no Books for studying, only what they heard from the priest who read from the scrolls, or what was taught by each family. We are spoiled; we have Bibles readily available to choose from, to read for ourselves, but do we all of God's word? We could even use an Interlinear Bible; that has the Hebrew and Greek text to refer to and to conduct our own studies, and on occasion translate what appears to be inconsistent with the rest of God's word, in conjunction with the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance dictionary, or a Hebrew to English dictionary. The closest to the original is the purest way to Jehovah's unchangeable pure truth. Honor all His words and avoid repeating history.